One of three breakout rooms (Artefact Analysis, Data Stories, and Mapping) during the "Digital Humanities In/And Anthropology" workshop, offered on July 22, 2021. Artefact Analysis activity was designed by Cassandra Hradil and Elliot Montpellier. The activity in this breakout room was facilitated by Elliot Montpellier.
About the workshop: Led by Cassandra Hradil (Digital Humanities Specialist for Penn
Libraries) and Elliot Montpellier (Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology and
South Asian Studies) together with Deb Stewart (Head, Penn Museum
Library), this workshop explored some of the existing intersections
between disciplines and opportunities for cross-pollinations. The
workshop incorporated several hands-on “analogue” activities designed to
get students thinking about how to conceptualize their data, how to
visualize it, and how this work might shape or reshape their
ethnographic outlook. We linked these non-digital activities to more
digitally-oriented tools that graduate students can use to conduct
research, to exhibit their data, and to craft compelling ethnographic