02:30:05duration 2 hours 30 minutes
Lecture Circus 2024: Keynote Speakers & AI/IT…
Lecture Circus 2024: Keynote Speakers & AI/IT Track
Join the Penn Dental Library for Lecture Circus:…
24:17duration 24 minutes 17 seconds
UPenn Lecture Circus: How much can we rely on…
UPenn Lecture Circus: How much can we rely on artificial chatbots such as the ChatGTP software program to assist us with scientific writing?
50:45duration 50 minutes 45 seconds
September 2023 Health Literacy Study Club:…
September 2023 Health Literacy Study Club: Dentist-Patient Communication
In collaboration with Dr. Gluch at the Penn…
01:53:16duration 1 hour 53 minutes
Intro to Text Analysis Workshop
Computational text analysis (or text mining) is…