Search for tag: "literature"

Finding Grey Literature - MHCI

This video briefly shows you how to find grey literature. The video was developed for the Master of Health Care Innovation program at Penn.

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From  Frank Campbell 6 plays 0  

Lecture Circus 2023: Open Access Publishing

A complete recording of the Open Access Publishing section of the Penn Lecture Circus Academic Forum. Featuring presentations from Paulo Vineis, Ellen Dubinsky, Paula Johnson, Mohammad Nazim, Lai Ma,…

+23 More
From  Samuel Pfeiffer 42 plays 0  

Searching the new PubMed for dental topics!

Searching for dental literature via the new PubMed interface.

+20 More
From  Laurel Graham 56 plays 1  

Searching in Embase

A description of the biomedical literature database Embase, with a guided search example and discussion of the unique features and content of this resource.

From  Jennifer Lege-Matsuura 64 plays 0