This virtual workshop introduces various resources listed on the Leon Levy Dental Medicine Library homepage with a deep dive into advanced searching strategies in PubMed. This recording was created…
This is a recording of an instructional workshop held in December 2021. The presentation demonstrates more advanced search features available in PubMed. Topics covered include, benefits of creating a…
Searching for dental literature via the new PubMed interface.
In depth overview with guided example of how to enrich and refine your database search results using subject headings. Biomed Library homepage: Click Here Pubmed database: Click Here Medical Subject…
Brief overview of how subject headings are designed and structured, and how the can help make database searching more efficient and precise. Biomed Library homepage: Click Here Pubmed database:…
In this video, we demonstrate basic PubMed searching. We also cover filtering search results, changing display options, and selecting output options.