This video describes how to find industry information using Penn Library resources. Examples include health related industries. The video was developed for the Master of Health Care Innovation…
This video describes how to find company information using Penn Library resources. Examples include health and pharmaceutical companies. The video was developed for the Master of Health Care…
This video briefly shows you how to find grey literature. The video was developed for the Master of Health Care Innovation program at Penn.
This virtual workshop introduces various resources listed on the Leon Levy Dental Medicine Library homepage with a deep dive into advanced searching strategies in PubMed. This recording was created…
Are you a first-year dental medicine student? Watch this virtual orientation to learn about the resources available for you to use at the Leon Levy Dental Medicine Library and throughout the Penn…
A brief 5-minute overview of the University of Pennsylvania Holman Biotech Commons homepage. Highlights the key features of the homepage, essential resources, and how to access online collections and…
In this short video, which is part of the 2024 Thrive at Penn course, you will be introduced to Penn Librarians and what they can do to help you during your journey as a student at Penn.